



  • 1997
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    Dr. Slump

    Dr. Slump

    7.81 1997 HD

    The Dr. Slump remake, simply titled Dr. Slump, is the second anime adaption which is an alternate retelling of the original Dr. Slump manga. This...

  • 2024
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    The Perfect Miss

    The Perfect Miss

    7.40 2024 HD

    The first series with Anke Engelke and Bastian Pastewka. Maria and Ralf are both stuck in their lives. Together, however, they would be the absolute...

  • 2019
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    8.69 2019 HD

    Miniséria rekonštruje príbeh o jadrovej havárii z roku 1986 - jednej z najhorších katastrof v...

  • 2013
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    Rick a Morty

    Rick a Morty

    8.69 2013 HD

    Bláznivý a geniálny vedec Rick je známy pre svoje šialené pokusy. Do nich teraz zatiahne aj svojho vnuka...

  • 2011
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    Hunter x Hunter

    Hunter x Hunter

    8.64 2011 HD

    Snom mladého Gona Freaksa, vychovávaného doteraz tetou Mito, je stať sa po vzore svojho otca Ginga tzv. Hunterom, čo je v...

  • 2019
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    Kimetsu no yaiba

    Kimetsu no yaiba

    8.65 2019 HD

    Od dávnych čias si ľudia rozprávali legendy o strašných démonoch, ktorí sa skrývajú v...

  • 2012
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    High School D×D

    High School D×D

    8.60 2012 HD

    High school student Issei Hyoudou is your run-of-the-mill pervert who does nothing productive with his life, peeping on women and dreaming of having...

  • 2015
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    One Punch Man

    One Punch Man

    8.40 2015 HD

    Superhrdina One-Punch Man trénoval svoju silu tak dlho, až mu z toho vypadali všetky vlasy. Vďaka tomu ale každého...

  • 2006
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    Zápisník smrti

    Zápisník smrti

    8.63 2006 HD

    Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects—and he’s bored out of his mind. But all that changes when he finds the Death Note, a...

  • 2014
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    Tokyo Ghoul

    Tokyo Ghoul

    8.30 2014 HD

    Ken Kaneki, a bookworm college student, meets Rize, a girl his own age with whom he shares many interests.
