



  • 2022
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    The Midwich Cuckoos

    The Midwich Cuckoos

    6.70 2022 HD

    A small fictional village in England is completely subdued by an alien presence for an entire day. Upon waking, it is discovered that numerous women...

  • 1968
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    More Than Life At Stake

    More Than Life At Stake

    8.00 1968 HD

    Stawka większa niż życie is a series about the adventures of a Polish secret agent, Hans Kloss, who acts as a double agent in the Abwehr during...

  • 1976
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    Calling 07

    Calling 07

    7.50 1976 HD

    The series centres around the investigations of Police Lieutenant Sławomir Borewicz. Each episode features a different case being solved by Borewicz.

  • 1976
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    Eternal Call

    Eternal Call

    5.70 1976 HD

    A saga about the life of the Siberian Savelyev family during the period 1902 through the 1960s as they survive through three wars, a revolution,...

  • 2000
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    Frank Herbert's Dune

    Frank Herbert's Dune

    6.88 2000 HD

    Frank Herbert's Dune is a three-part miniseries written and directed by John Harrison and based on Frank Herbert's 1965 novel Dune.

  • 2018
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    Izgubljeni v vesolju

    Izgubljeni v vesolju

    7.53 2018 HD

    Po strmoglavljenju na tujem planetu se družina Robinson bori z vsemi silami, da bi preživela in pobegnila. A obdajajo jih skrite nevarnosti.

  • 2013
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    8.25 2013 HD

    Both a gift and a curse, Graham has the extraordinary ability to think like his prey—he sees what they see, feels what they feel. But while...

  • 2004
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    Skrivnostni otok

    Skrivnostni otok

    7.90 2004 HD

    Serija prikazuje življenja ljudi, ki so med strahovito letalsko nesrečo strmoglavili na tropski otok, poln skrivnosti.

  • 2019
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    The Umbrella Academy

    The Umbrella Academy

    8.53 2019 HD

    Disfunkcionalna družina superjunakov se po daljšem času ponovno združi, da bi rešila skrivnost očetove smrti, grožnjo apokalipse...

  • 2005
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    Talenti v belem

    Talenti v belem

    8.20 2005 HD

    Sledi osebnemu in poklicnemu življenju skupine zdravnikov v bolnišnici Gray Sloan v Seattlu.
