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Cel mai mic dintre cei 14 copii ai unui cuplu francez-canadian devine vedetă muzicală în „Aline”, o dramă-comedie muzicală...
Wasp7.24 2003 HD
Zoë is a single mother who lives with her four children in Dartford. She is poor and can't afford to buy food. One day her old flame drives by...
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Shot in 16mm, Berenice is Rohmer’s first finished film. The film is based on a story by Edgar Allen Poe about a man who becomes obsessed with...
Fellini: I'm a Born Liar
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The Man in White
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After accidentally witnessing a serial killer's brutal murder of a policeman, Erika must race to get herself and her daughter out of the killer's...
80,000 Years Old
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It’s summer. Celine, in her thirties, archaeologist, spends a weekend in her childhood home. Her archaeological research are mixed up with her...
One Piece: The Movie
One Piece: The Movie7.11 2000 HD
There once was a pirate known as the Great Gold Pirate Woonan, who obtained almost one-third of the world's gold. Over the course of a few years, the...
Laurence Anyways
Laurence Anyways7.65 2012 HD
The story of an impossible love between a woman named Fred and a transgender woman named Laurence who reveals her inner desire to become her true...
Shoplifters7.90 2018 HD
After one of their shoplifting sessions, Osamu and his son come across a little girl in the freezing cold. At first reluctant to shelter the girl,...
Marele dictator
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În Tomania dictatorul Adenoid Hynkel declanșează represiunea împotriva evreilor. Frumoasa Hannah și iubitul ei, un frizer care...