



  • 2020
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    8.50 2020 HD

    Yakko, Wakko and Dot return for all-new big laughs and the occasional epic takedown of authority figures in serious need of an ego check. Joining the...

  • 1961
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    The Yogi Bear Show

    The Yogi Bear Show

    7.00 1961 HD

    From his home in Jellystone Park, Yogi Bear dreams of nothing more in life than to outwit as many unsuspecting tourists as he can and grab their...

  • 1987
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    도날드 덕 가족의 모험

    도날드 덕 가족의 모험

    7.63 1987 HD

    디즈니 캐릭터인 스크루지 맥덕과 도날드 덕의 세 조카 휴이,듀이,루이가 주인공으로 그들의 모험과 가족애를...

  • 1995
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    Pinky and the Brain

    Pinky and the Brain

    7.60 1995 HD

    Pinky and Brain are genetically enhanced laboratory mice who reside in a cage in the Acme Labs research facility. Brain is self-centered and...

  • 2000
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    Clifford the Big Red Dog

    Clifford the Big Red Dog

    6.60 2000 HD

    The adventures of a larger-than-life red dog on Bridwell Island.

  • 2003
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    5.03 2003 HD

    What happens when the biggest stars in the world get too high on the Hollywood hog? When their bank accounts start swelling bigger than their heads?...

  • 2006
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    Gino il Pollo perso nella rete

    Gino il Pollo perso nella rete

    9.00 2006 HD

    Gino the Chicken, also as Gino the Chicken lost in the net, is an Italian television series. Was initially an Internet meme created by Andrea...

  • 2025
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    블랙 호크 다운, 그 생존의 기록

    블랙 호크 다운, 그 생존의 기록

    7.63 2025 HD

    1993년 모가디슈 전투와 이제는 유명해진 3대의 블랙 호크 헬리콥터 추락 사건. 미국 군인들과 소말리아 민병들이...

  • 2022
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    '톨레미 그레이의 마지막 날들' - The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey

    '톨레미 그레이의 마지막 날들' - The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey

    7.40 2022 HD

    자신을 돌봐 주던 믿음직한 사람이 갑자기 떠나고, 톨레미 그레이는 십 대 고아인 로빈에게 맡겨진다. 그들은...

  • 2005
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    Guns Germs & Steel

    Guns Germs & Steel

    6.40 2005 HD

    A PBS documentary concerning Jared Diamond's theory on why there is such disparity between those who have advanced technology and those who still...
