



  • 2003
    imgS E

    All Grown Up!

    All Grown Up!

    7.60 2003 HD

    The former "Rugrats" tots now face preteen issues and dilemmas.

  • 2010
    imgS E

    Baka and Test: Summon the Beasts

    Baka and Test: Summon the Beasts

    7.60 2010 HD

    Advanced placement into a school of higher grade proof-reading is determined by the results of the Promotion Test strictly for class type. Ranging...

  • 2018
    imgS E

    B: The Beginning

    B: The Beginning

    7.68 2018 HD

    In a world powered by advanced technology, crime and action unfold in the archipelagic nation of Cremona. Genius investigator Keith Flick rejoins the...

  • 2017
    imgS E

    Alice & Zoroku

    Alice & Zoroku

    7.20 2017 HD

    The story centers on a little girl called Sana, who is one of the children that holds the power of "Alice's Dream," an ability that enables her to...

  • 2014
    imgS E

    Akame ga Kill!

    Akame ga Kill!

    8.30 2014 HD

    Young Tatsumi travels to the capital of the Empire in order to earn money for his starving people and encounters a world of unimaginable depravity,...

  • 2016
    imgS E

    Stranger Things

    Stranger Things

    8.60 2016 HD

    Nakon što dječak nestane, gradić otkriva zagonetku koja uključuje tajne eksperimente, zastrašujuće nadnaravne sile i jednu...

  • 2021
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    Igra lignje

    Igra lignje

    7.90 2021 HD

    Stotine švorc igrača prihvate neobičan poziv za natjecanje u dječjim igrama. Čeka ih primamljiva nagrada, ali i visoki, smrtonosni ulozi.

  • 2013
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    Peaky Blinders

    Peaky Blinders

    8.53 2013 HD

    Zloglasnu bandu u Birminghamu u Engleskoj 1919. predvodi žestoki Tommy Shelby, kriminalni boss koji želi napredovati u svijetu bez obzira na cijenu.

  • 2020
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    Damin gambit

    Damin gambit

    8.47 2020 HD

    U sirotištu u 1950-ima djevojčica pokaže zadivljujući talent za šah te kreće na neočekivano putovanje prema slavi dok se...

  • 2014
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    8.20 2014 HD

    Pratimo priču o vojnoj medicinskoj sestri Claire Randall koja je neobjašnjivo prebačena iz 1945. u 1743. godinu gdje se nađe u smrtnoj...
