



  • 1999
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    The League of Gentlemen

    The League of Gentlemen

    7.62 1999 HD

    The League of Gentlemen is a British comedy television series that premiered on BBC Two in 1999. The show is set in Royston Vasey, a fictional town...

  • 1990
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    The Civil War

    The Civil War

    8.10 1990 HD

    A documentary on the American Civil War narrated by Ken Burns, covering the secession of the Confederacy to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

  • 2013
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    In the Flesh

    In the Flesh

    7.20 2013 HD

    Thousands of dead people have risen from their graves and nearly destroyed Britain. A cure has been found - but can the treated zombies be...

  • 2004
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    Veronica Mars

    Veronica Mars

    7.80 2004 HD

    In the fictional town of Neptune, California, student Veronica Mars progresses from high school to college while moonlighting as a private...

  • 1959
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    The Twilight Zone

    The Twilight Zone

    8.40 1959 HD

    A series of unrelated stories containing drama, psychological thriller, fantasy, science fiction, suspense, and/or horror, often concluding with a...

  • 2011
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    Bob's Burgers

    Bob's Burgers

    7.80 2011 HD

    Bob's Burgers follows a third-generation restaurateur, Bob, as he runs Bob's Burgers with the help of his wife and their three kids. Bob and his...

  • 2011
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    Američka horor priča

    Američka horor priča

    8.10 2011 HD

    Riječ je o drami koja prati obitelj Harmon, koja iskorištava selidbu iz Bostona u Los Angeles kao priliku da bi počeli iznova i zaboravili...

  • 2016
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    Stranger Things

    Stranger Things

    8.60 2016 HD

    Nakon što dječak nestane, gradić otkriva zagonetku koja uključuje tajne eksperimente, zastrašujuće nadnaravne sile i jednu...

  • 2018
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    Cobra Kai

    Cobra Kai

    8.22 2018 HD

    Ljuti neprijatelji, suparničke škole karatea, nova lica: Daniel i Johnny rasplamsaju stara rivalstva iz West Valleyja u voljenoj seriji koja...

  • 2019
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    8.69 2019 HD

    Petodijelna miniserija Černobil dramatizira priču o nuklearnoj nesreći 1986. godine – jednoj od najgorih katastrofa u povijesti čovjeka...
