



  • 2012
    imgS E

    Reply 1997

    Reply 1997

    7.87 2012 HD

    As a teen, Shi Won was obsessed with a boy band. Now 33 years old, Shi Won and her friends are reviving their memories as their school reunion nears.

  • 2014
    imgS E

    Incomplete Life

    Incomplete Life

    8.60 2014 HD

    Since he was a child, the board game baduk has been everything to Jang Geu-rae. But when he fails at achieving his dream of becoming a professional...

  • 2015
    imgS E

    5→9 From Five to Nine

    5→9 From Five to Nine

    7.20 2015 HD

    Junko Sakuraba dreams of working in New York, but she currently works as an English conversation teacher. She's about to have her 29th birthday....

  • 2015
    imgS E

    Reply 1988

    Reply 1988

    8.80 2015 HD

    Take a nostalgic trip back to the late 1980s through the lives of five families and their five teenage kids living in a small neighbourhood in Seoul.

  • 2020
    imgS E



    8.30 2020 HD

    Morphed into a raccoon beastman, Michiru seeks refuge, and answers, with the aid of wolf beastman Shirou inside the special zone of Anima-City.

  • 2013
    imgS E

    The Heirs

    The Heirs

    7.81 2013 HD

    After a chance encounter in LA, two teens from different social backgrounds reunite at an exclusive high school attended by Korea's über rich.

  • 2016
    imgS E

    Potomci sunca

    Potomci sunca

    8.30 2016 HD

    Nakon slučajnog susreta u bolnici, gorljivi vojnik zaljubljuje se u kirurginju. Suprotstavljene filozofije ih razdvajaju, ali sudbina ima druge...

  • 2019
    imgS E

    Crash Landing on You

    Crash Landing on You

    8.50 2019 HD

    Kada bogata južnokorejska nasljednica Yoon Se-ri doživi nesreću na paraglidingu, vjetar ju odnese preko granice i padne pravo u zagrljaj...

  • 2019
    imgS E

    Kraljevstvo zombija

    Kraljevstvo zombija

    8.23 2019 HD

    Dok kraljevstvo potresaju čudne glasine o bolesnom kralju, prijestolonasljednik postane njihova jedina nada protiv misteriozne kuge koja se...

  • 2021
    imgS E

    Igra lignje

    Igra lignje

    7.90 2021 HD

    Stotine švorc igrača prihvate neobičan poziv za natjecanje u dječjim igrama. Čeka ih primamljiva nagrada, ali i visoki, smrtonosni ulozi.
