



  • 2001
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    A Padroeira

    A Padroeira

    7.20 2001 HD

    A Padroeira was a Brazilian soap opera produced and displayed at the time of 18 hours by Rede Globo, between June 18, 2001 and February 23, 2002, and...

  • 2016
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    The Slave Mother

    The Slave Mother

    9.80 2016 HD

    The story begins in 1789 in Congo, in Africa, where a tribe celebrates the marriage of Luena and Kamau. The natives, trapped and sold as slaves.

  • 2006
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    Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

    Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

    8.35 2006 HD

    Británie se stala světovou velmocí a podřídila si téměř celý svět včetně Japonska známé jako...

  • 2010
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    Ben 10: Dokonalý mimozemšťan

    Ben 10: Dokonalý mimozemšťan

    8.20 2010 HD

    Ben Tennyson, jehož tajná identita byla odhalena světu, pokračuje v boji proti zlu jako superhrdina s pomocí nově...

  • 1993
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    Sonic the Hedgehog

    Sonic the Hedgehog

    7.00 1993 HD

    Sonic, Tails, Princess Sally, and a band of freedom fighters battle to overthrow Dr. Robotnik, a despotic dictator who conquered their home planet...

  • 2022
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    The Eminence in Shadow

    The Eminence in Shadow

    8.10 2022 HD

    Stínoví makléři jsou ti, kteří zůstávají nepovšimnuti a vydávají se za...

  • 2002
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    The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius

    The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius

    7.40 2002 HD

    Jimmy Neutron is the smartest kid in town. As a genius, Jimmy thinks most things can be solved with the invention of a new gizmo. But Jimmy usually...

  • 2019
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    We Never Learn: BOKUBEN

    We Never Learn: BOKUBEN

    8.50 2019 HD

    Ogata Rizu – dejte jí jakýkoliv matematický úkol a aniž by se musela zabývat sáhodlouhými...

  • 2024
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    LEGO Star Wars: Přestavba galaxie

    LEGO Star Wars: Přestavba galaxie

    6.80 2024 HD

    Celá galaxie Star Wars se pomíchá, když obyčejný pasák nerfů Sig Greebling objeví ve skrytém...

  • 2020
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    The Long Night

    The Long Night

    8.60 2020 HD

    It was an open shut case with hundred of witnesses seeing the murder suspect trying to dispose of a body and a signed confession from the suspect...
