



  • 2019
    imgS E



    8.68 2019 HD

    Prema istinitoj priči o jednoj od najtežih katastrofa u povijesti koju je uzrokovao čovjek, serija prati hrabre muškarce i žene koji su se...

  • 2004
    imgS E

    Veronica Mars

    Veronica Mars

    7.80 2004 HD

    Nakon prijateljičine smrti i nakon što joj oca otpuste sa mjesta šerifa, mlada Veronica Mars počinje se baviti detektivskim poslom....

  • 2014
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    The Leftovers

    The Leftovers

    7.60 2014 HD

    Kada 2% svetskog stanovništva nestane bez ikakvog objašnjenja, ceo svet će pokušati da razume šta se to desilo i kako....

  • 2008
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    Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

    Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

    7.60 2008 HD

    Aspiring super-villain Dr. Horrible wants to join the Evil League of Evil and win the girl of his dreams, but his nemesis, Captain Hammer, stops him...

  • 2015
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    The Last Kingdom

    The Last Kingdom

    8.30 2015 HD

    U devetom veku Engleska je bila sastavljena iz više kraljevstava. Kasnije tim kraljevstvima zavladaju Vikinzi. Jedino kraljevstvo Veseksa se...

  • 2019
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    Top Boy

    Top Boy

    8.00 2019 HD

    Two seasoned drug dealers return to the gritty street of London, but their pursuit of money and power is threatened by a young and ruthless hustler.

  • 2015
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    Mr. Robot

    Mr. Robot

    8.20 2015 HD

    Eliot (Rami Malek) je mladi programer koji preko dana radi kao inžinjer sajber bezbjednosti, a preko noći je osvetoljubljivi haker. Angažuje ga...

  • 2013
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    Ray Donovan

    Ray Donovan

    7.50 2013 HD

    Ray Donovan se bavi rješavanjem svih problema bogatih i slavnih u Los Anđelesu. Sve može da riješi, osim problema koje stvara njegova...

  • 1982
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    The Young Ones

    The Young Ones

    7.86 1982 HD

    The misadventures of four lunatic students who live in a shared student house. There's Rick, the overblown political one addicted to Cliff Richard,...

  • 2022
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    The English

    The English

    7.30 2022 HD

    An aristocratic Englishwoman, Lady Cornelia Locke, arrives into the new and wild landscape of the American West to wreak revenge on the man she sees...
